Learn more about what we do

Active Shooter Protection

In this day and age Active Shooter Protection is a necessity.  What we have learned is that in incidents where an individual or a group engages in an attack, every second counts. 

Our Active Shooter Protection (ASP) service provides you with the peace of mind knowing you have the best of the best providing security.

Each Active Shooter Protection site is provided with a minimum of a two officer detail.  These two officers are off-duty officers who are active members of their SWAT teams. 

In the event of an attack, the ASP detail will be notified and immediately address the threat.  In addition to having the training, experience, and tools necessary to stop the threat, these officers will be able to quickly respond, actively attempt to stop the threat, and coordinate with responding law enforcement personnel to provide maximum safety and protection.

What we Provide

Active Shooter Protection

Each Active Shooter Protection (ASP) detail consists of:
- Two off-duty law enforcement officers who are active members of a SWAT team
- Provided an emergency response vehicle
- Lethal and less-lethal equipment to stop a threat
- Equipped with emergency tactical medbags to provide immediate aid until additional EMTs and paramedics can respond

How much

Active Shooter Protection

Each Active Shooter Protection (ASP) detail starts at a cost
of $7,000 per day

ASP Detail includes:
- two off-duty SWAT officers
- emergency response vehicle
- lethal and less lethal equipment
- radio communications
- emergency medical equipment

Contact Us

Email us to setup Active Shooter Protection

Special events

Active Shooter Protection

Special events can demand special security.  Contact us and we can meet and discuss how we can best protect you.

We can provide:
- Active Shooter Protection (ASP) details
- Tactical EMS
- Off-duty officers for an additional layer of security